The Business Diaries

Hi! I'm Heather Hays and I help entrepreneurial audiences create the lifestyle they desire by sharing ten start-up secrets that save time, money and peace of mind.

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THE ENTREPRENEURIAL EDGE: Start-up Secrets for Empowered Beginnings

Entrepreneurship has many positive aspects like innovation, flexibility, total control and ownership. On the other hand there is absolute fiscal responsibility, no guaranteed income or safety net.

According to Forbes, one in five businesses will fail within the first year. Despite this fact, hopeful entrepreneurs continue to enter the marketplace.

There might not always be a magic formula to follow for a successful business but there are lessons that can build a start-up's momentum, strength and organization before the opening day.

In Heather's bestselling book, The Business Diaries, she talks about ten secrets that she wishes she had known before opening her award-winning business.

The secrets are simple but not always obvious and transform hopeful entrepreneurs into empowered business owners.

In this keynote, your audience will walk away with:

  • The one question every entrepreneur must answer in their business planning
  • How to increase support in the entrepreneurial journey
  • What to do when popularity doesn't equal profitability
  • How to make vendors business partners
  • Why self-care is good business

If you are looking for a keynote speaker who can deliver inspiration infused with entertaining entrepreneurial anecdotes, Heather is your choice. In this keynote, her absolute goal is to inspire, encourage and energize female entrepreneurs to transform not only their businesses but their lifestyles.

This keynote is perfect for women's events, small business conferences, and entrepreneurial audiences.



Do you dream of owning your own business?  

Are you running a business but it’s not quite what you envisioned?  

Perhaps you want more time to focus on making your ideal clients happy while also enjoying a better quality of life.

If you’re answering “yes,” then The Business Diaries was written for you.

Entrepreneurs reshape the world with innovation, creativity and courage.  A strong foundation is essential for new start-ups to succeed and deliver valuable products and services to the marketplace.  

The Business Diaries offers this foundation. 

In The Business Diaries, you will learn:

  • Ten start up secrets for empowerment
  • 20 Questions to simplify your business planning that you can answer in one weekend
  • The role of tech, teams and professionals in supporting your vision
  • How volunteering in your area of influence can change the world
  • Strategies to sell the "unsellable business"
Buy The Business Diaries

Reader Reviews

This book by Heather Hays is a game-changer for aspiring and existing female entrepreneurs. With a perfect rating from readers, this book provides valuable insight and practical advice to help women succeed in the business world. Hays offers a comprehensive guide, covering essential start-up secrets, simplifying business planning, leveraging technology and teams and strategies for selling even the most challenging business ideas. Through transformational insight, this book empowers women to build strong foundations for their ventures and achieve both professionals, success, and personal fulfillment. If you dream of owning your own business, or want to take your current venture to the next level, “The Business Diaries” is a must read!

- Amazon 5 Star Review

Running a business can seem, feel and be super overwhelming. It's probably why so few do it. This book is so concise about how to ideate, plan, launch and grow a business. It is completely actionable, which I appreciate. But even though it's actionable, it's not a dry read: it's told through Heather's memoir of her past business (an indoor playground), which gives the story a sweetness, and and emotion to it. I loved it.

- Amazon 5 Star Review

Whether you are just starting a business or maybe feeling like something has got to change in order for you to get your joy back for the business you do have especially if you are feeling burnt out I highly suggest reading this. So many things I enjoyed being refreshed on (needed these reminders) and other things that were shared in here giving me a much needed new perspective. Owning a business and being an entrepreneur is amazing and amazingly difficult at times with all the hats we wear and the highs and lows we experience. I would recommend this book to anyone that owns a business or is a new business owner.

- Katie Bryant

Meet Heather.

Heather Hays is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to optimize their careers and lifestyles. Heather is a business mentor, speaker, wife, and mom. Once upon a time, she founded and operated a business that generated over one million dollars in revenue, inspiring her to share her secrets inside The Business Diaries.